Security Fencing Options

Dallas Security Fence Options

When you need added security features to protect your valuables, livestock, equipment, or assets, we have you covered with additional fence security options.

Barbed wire is probably the best value add for your money. It is low-cost to install and it is a visual deterrent to intruders who want to gain unlawful or unwanted entry to your area. Six- and eight-foot fences can be affixed with 3 barbed wire strands at the top, which prevents climbing over the fence. This is a great security option for industrial and rural areas.

Barbed wire features:

  • Three strands
  • For 6′ & 8′ chain link in high vandalism areas
  • Prevents climbing over fence

Another good value feature and low-cost option is adding a top rail to your fence install. The top rail is also one of our popular security options. It adds increased support and prevents the fence from bending. It also gives it a sturdy look and can be installed on top of any fence. This is a great security option for construction sites, commercial areas and residential areas.

Top rail features:

  • 1 3/8′ round rail
  • Increases fence line integrity

We can also add more stability to the bottom of the fence by adding a tension wire, which prevents the fence line from sagging and adds strength to the chain link fencing. Just like the security options for the top of the fence, the tension wire adds the same preventative characteristics to the bottom of your fence system.

Tension wire features:

  • Prevents fence from sagging
  • Thin wire barely noticeable but adds strength to the chain links

Why Should I Get A Security Fence?

  • prevent vandalism in high risk areas
  • keep undesirables from gaining unlawful access to areas
  • protect your equipment
  • protect your livestock
  • safety measures

Combine these features with a windscreen/security screen for a true security option.

Viking Fence Dallas Security Options

Viking Fence is your Dallas-area fence security option provider. We have fence professionals working with you to identify all your security options and decide which option(s) best fit your needs. We also work with you to understand your local municipality’s laws on the use of barbed wire and other security measures. We have your best interest in mind, so ask for a FREE quote or call us today.